I know that comes as no big surprise, but that fact really drives me crazy sometimes. I hear God's voice so clearly, telling me to step out in faith; and I want to, I really do...
...but there is no roadmap...
...no clear next step...
In her book, Jesus Calling, Sarah Young describes this beautifully...
"As you look again at the path ahead, you notice that a peaceful fog has settled over it, obscuring your view." (pg. 335)My view of the future is obscured, not by clouds and darkness, but by a peaceful, protective fog placed there by my Heavenly Father. You see, He doesn't want me to see what is ahead this time; He knows all too well that I'll worry and fret over details that He already has in control. So he has lovingly asked me to take a leap of faith, to trust Him with the details that I can't make sense of (even though I have tried). He's asking me to fix my gaze on HIM...not the path.
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I'll admit, as soon as I get distracted from God, the little details seem looming and anxious thoughts creep in. But He lovingly redirects my gaze and asks me to put one foot in front of the other and follow Him.
I may not know where I'm going, but I know that the One who is leading me is infinitely faithful and loving. I'll follow where He leads me...one step of faith at a time.
Where is God leading you?
Oh I love this Kristi! I am a total planner, map follower, worrier... So I totally get this. lol One step of faith at a time... I *love* that!
Thanks, Jennifer. I'm so glad you were encouraged!
I am the worst at waiting on God. I so want to be able to bend around the corner and see what God has in store for me. This of course is where faith comes in...being certain of that which I can't see. (new follower from (in)courage)
Thanks for your comment, Shannon. Trust me, I've tried to peek around the corner myself!
He led me to your sight to be reminded of this great wisdom. It reminds me of running. I don't know if you've ever run a marathon or 1/2 marathon but when training, I noticed running up a hill and running flat felt the same, as long as I was not looking father than a foot ahead of me. the reason is when you're looking down instead of ahead, the road looks completely flat. It't not until I look up and get discouraged by the height or distance of the hill that I begin to grow weary. So when I'm running and I know I'm about to go up hill, the first thing I do is focus my gaze downward and only look as far as the road is flat.
Fawn, I couldn't run unless my life was in danger. lol. But I really appreciate the wisdom that you shared. Thank you!
Press on. I'm on the path ahead and it is good. (PS I have grown home schooled children bearing fruit :)
A Daughter of the King,
Thank you for your encouragement! I'm so blessed to hear that the path ahead is good. : )
Kristi, I just loved this post (and your writing style!). thank you so much for linking it up to the Brighton Park best of 2011 link up. new followers of your blog. linking up this post automatically enters you in the blogger giveaway we are having this week. have a blessed 2012~Katie
Thank you so much for your comment! I've been reading your site as well. : )
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