Curriculum for 2011 / 2012

Precious Girl is in 6th Grade this year. She loves all things English-related and Science and History.

Little Man is in 2nd Grade. He loves reading and writing his own stories and he is a little math whiz.

Little One is 3. She does a few worksheets that I print for free every day. I'll try to have links up soon!

Disclaimer: These are just my reviews. I haven't received any money or 
free materials in return for a positive review. 
Although, free resources are always welcome... ; )

Feel free to click on the book titles for a link...

The Family Reading Bible 

The Story of the World Vol. 2 by Susan Wise Bauer 

Easy Grammar 2 & Easy Grammar 6 I highly recommend these books! I love how she teaches grammar concepts.

Wordly Wise 2 & Wordly Wise 6

Sequential Spelling Level 1 & 4
Little Man (doing level 1 is a natural at spelling and he loves this book!). Precious Girl (level 4 struggles with spelling at times but LOVES this series). What is best, they both have improved their spelling tremendously!

Christian Kids Explore Earth & Space by Stephanie Redmond - Great hands on projects with no expensive or hard-to-find materials!
Christian Kids Explore Chemistry by Robert & Elizabeth Ridlon - Well written, engaging text for my 6th grader. She loves Chemistry Class at co - op.

Spanish for Children Primer A - my 6th grader LOVES this book. I haven't had Spanish since college, but it has been fun to teach from. A really nice introduction to Spanish grammar and usage and vocabulary.

More links and reviews to come!!

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