Monday, February 13, 2012

To my husband...

August 28, 1999...

photo taken by Crystal Cooper photography

We were so young, and so in love. Our lives were just beginning, our walk with the Lord fresh and still  largely unexplored... We had so much to learn, together.

Almost 13 years ago we said, "I do" at the same church in which my parents and grandparents married.  On our wedding day, I couldn't imagine I'd ever be happier...

After all these miles traveled together, our love is better and stronger than ever. We have both changed so much from those newlywed days, and we give glory to God for the changes he has made!

Our love story isn't perfect. We've had our share of heartache, disappointment and sorrow over the years. We've even had a few epic arguments misunderstandings in our marriage. But those things seem small compared to the happiness I've found being Brian's wife.

I have grown as a wife and help meet to my husband under the protection of his love. And I can honestly say, the person I am today is much better than the "single me" from years ago.

Here's what I love best about my husband:
When I am at my best, he cheers me on. When I am at my worst, he loves me anyway.

He walks beside me through everyday life and walks in front of me when I need his protection.

He allows me to make mistakes and extends more grace than I've ever thought possible.

He laughs with me, cries with me and stands with me through it all.

He treats me with love and amazing tenderness.

He points my attention to the One who loves me perfectly, eternally.

He says, "I'm sorry" and means it.

He prays with me and for me.

He willingly sleeps on the floor of a sick child so I can get some rest.

When he tells me he loves me, he looks into my eyes.

When he tells me I am beautiful, I can (even if just for a moment) believe it.

image courtesy of mack2happy

In our home, Valentine's Day isn't about over-priced cards and flowers (although those things are nice). It's about celebrating God's gift of loving each other and knowing that we can see glimpses of our Heavenly Father when we're loving each other well.


The Encouraging Home said...

Beautiful! I would love for you to link up your story at my Love One Another link-up!

Kristi Slattery said...

Encouraging Home, I would be honored! : )

Blair said...

You posted perfectly what love is really all about. I told someone yesterday that I used to want my husband to buy me all sorts of things for Valentine's so I could know how he really felt about me. 12 years later, I just know. :)

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

Beautiful! Marriage is a true growth experience...and an indescribable blessing!
