Wednesday, February 08, 2012

In the blink of an eye...

In the blink of an eye, my whole day changed yesterday.

A wonderful day of homeschool and extra snuggles with Little One changed in an instant when I heard the sickening noise of my baby girl tumbling down the stairs. I couldn't get there to break her fall, all I could do was scream.

She lay still for a moment as we felt her all over and my husband and I prayed over her as we checked her pupils with a flashlight.

She seemed ok...shaken, but fine...

When she started vomiting, I was concerned...

When I couldn't wake her up, all I could do was call out "Jesus!" There was nothing else to say. But I took heart in knowing that he knew what my baby needed and that he was in charge of the situation.

I called the doctor as I was putting Little One in the car...

She was listless and vomiting and we had a long drive to the pediatrician's office...

I prayed for calm and safe travels as my hands shook so bad I could hardly start the car...

We made it to the doctor's office (in record time) and he said she should be admitted...then he said symptoms of skull fracture...and the edges of my calm began to fray...

"Help her, Jesus." Was all I could pray as I carried Little One up the stairs to the hospital.

She looked so small and frail and they started her IV... "Help her, Jesus"...

She slept through her CAT scan... "Heal her, Jesus"...

Then the good news came, she only has a concussion. There is no bleeding or sign of skull fracture.

"Thank you, Jesus!"

God was right there with us through the whole time of driving and waiting. His presence was so close, I could feel him there...

In the blink of an eye, so many things that could have gone wrong were averted. And we saw once again God's tender mercies poured out on our Little One.

Thank you, Jesus!

1 comment:

Dionne said...

Oh, Kristi...I am so glad to hear she is okay. I can only imagine how scary that was and hard. Praise Jesus for his healing. I have only experienced having one child in the hospital for RSV and that was hard as his oxygen level was low and he was only 3 weeks. It was the hardest thing I have ever been through. Again, rejoicing with you my friend.
