Tuesday, January 03, 2012



It beckons me...
a place of acceptance, beauty, grace and comfort...

It is a place of safety in a not-so-gentle world.
A place for quiet reflection and noisy play...

Home is where my heart is safe.

My home is not perfect, but neither am I.
Its imperfections make it comfortable, like my old slippers. A place of warmth.

I am the keeper of this home. It is an honor and a privilege that I feel unworthy of at times, in awe of at others.

I have been working hard during my vacation from blogging at organizing and beautifying my home. I went through drawers, cabinets, closets and I purged things that were no longer beautiful or necessary. My home breathed a sigh of relief to be free of unnecessary things. My heart feels lighter and I am at peace in the midst of this, my refuge.

I did this project one step at a time. Bit by bit so I could rest with my family. (You can read another post about my approach to projects here.)

And it.feels.wonderful.

I've been inspired by women wiser than myself to make my home a delightful place to be. I want my home to reflect Jesus most of all so that others can feel his presence here.

what does it mean to you?

Linking up with:
Domestically Divine Tuesday
Titus 2 Tuesdays


Trails of Grace said...

LOVE! my heart agrees with yours! Isn't it good to be content!

Kristi Slattery said...

Lynnie, Yes, content is beautiful! : )

Far Above Rubies said...

I'm happiest at home.
