Monday, April 23, 2012

Finding her way...

Today, as we begin our last two official weeks of school, I feel a bit nostalgic...

Next year, Precious Girl begins 7th grade. Middle School?! How did that happen? Just yesterday she was sounding out words as we snuggled on the sofa. Just yesterday we cried together as I tried to explain how to tell time to the nearest minute...


Today, she is doing Pre-Algebra and enjoying it. (She may not really be my child. *wink*) Today she is flying through The Pilgrim's Progress and loving our discussions of the deeper meaning...

This weekend as I watched her on stage at an Irish Dance feis, my heart was filled with a swirling mix of emotions.

She will be twelve soon. Somehow it seems just yesterday that I was counting little toes on that first morning with her. Now those not-so-little toes dance with joy and beauty and determination. As she lined up with the dancers onstage waiting for her turn, her eyes sought me in the crowd. As our eyes met, we exchanged a smile.

But one time, she didn't look for me. And I know that my role will soon begin to change.

I realize that the privilege of being her mother is not in the holding on, but in the letting go.

As she stepped off stage she said,
"I didn't look for you, because I knew you were there."

She knew I was there, watching and praying, thoroughly enjoying her dance. And that was enough for her.

With one foot still firmly in her childhood, I love the joy and beauty that she sees in the world. I pray that she will keep that joy with her always.

With one foot testing the waters of young ladyhood, I love the questions that she asks and the discussions we have as she tries to find her way.

That's just it, isn't it?...Some of my nostalgia is that she is finding her way...

I don't know what my role will be as she navigates and learns and grows over the next few precious years. But I am thankful that she will never be alone. Even when she and I may disagree, and I'm certain we will, the Holy Spirit will be there to tenderly guide her way.

And me?

Even if she doesn't need me to walk beside her, I'll always be there, just off stage, cheering and praying as she finds her way.

Linking Up:
The Straightened Path
The Better Mom
Far Above Rubies


Blair said...

This post made me all teary eyed. I too am realizing that my role is changing ever so slightly with my daughter as well. Thank you for linking up at The Straightened Path.

Kate said...

OH man...the second post today that made me cry!! What a sweet insight into your family - thanks for linking up with this today!
