Thursday, March 24, 2011

A country music morning...

Did you ever have "one of those mornings"? 

You know the ones I'm talking about - the kind you know could be made into a cheesy country music song...

Mine would have gone something like this...
The cereal was gone,
The milk spilled,
The bagel got stuck in the toaster and burned,
There was poop everywhere,
and my car wouldn't start and my oldest had to be at her Iowa testing at 8:30 a.m....

I know, I definitely have to work on the lyrics but that is a fairly accurate description of my morning prior to 8:15...Kinda made me want to crawl right back into bed. But after my neighbor offered to take Erin to her testing, I stopped to reflect on the whole situation...

Really? No cereal? Spilled milk? Burned bagels? POOP!!!??? Really? My car had to have technical difficulties this morning? Grrrrr.... 

And then, I started to laugh. Not just a little bit, but a full-out-tears-rolling-down-your-face kind of laugh. Why, you may ask? The reason is not that I've lost what little retained sanity I have, but that a song popped into my head...
This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it...

Today was no less God's careful orchestration of events than the best mornings of my life. Since I didn't get to pick the events of this (or any other) morning, the only control I have is over my response. Today (after a bit of lamenting) I chose to laugh. I really think everything will work out ok today. Besides, I have a country song to write...
